Mindfulness & psychotherapy
MINDFULNESS, A FORM OF MEDITATION, has been incorporated by most forms of psychotherapy, as repeated studies show enhanced therapy outcomes. Findings indicate that it can lead to an increase in general physical health and well-being. Furthermore, it can increase coping capacity to pain and emotional distress, decrease severe emotional dysregulation and misery, increase mastery over emotions, increase concentration, decrease rumination, increase performance, increase effectiveness in work and personal relationships, and profoundly relax the body.
Your BHBA therapist has many Mindfulness techniques at the ready to teach you. Your therapist engages in weekly Mindfulness training, as directed by Dr. Bellet, and incorporates teachings from the Buddhist peace activist and renowned monk Thich Nhat Hanh, techniques from Acceptance and Committment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness principles as taught by Marsha Linehan, Ph.D. (a Buddhist roshi and developer of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy). Staff at BHBA practice and teach Mindfulness daily and so, truly know how to incorporate Mindfulness into your daily life. We teach it simply with great results!